Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, November 07, 2004

This is sad.

I was at my friend's house having a gathering when the match Liverpool vs Birmingham started. As he has not subscribed to the cable sports channel, I used his pc to listen to the webcast commentary. It sounded like Liverpool dominated. In fact, I did not hear anything about Birmingham attacking at all! I left the place at half time with the score 0-0, hoping to catch the remaining at home.

15 minutes of the second half has passed when i reach home. Still, it was all about Liverpool attacking, but no goals. Ssuddenly, Birmingham scored!! I can't believe this. Their only chance and they scored! And Liverpool had tons of chances... Sigh... Another 1 of those days where things jus can't seem to go right for Liverpool...

On a brighter note, I've put up the christmas tree in my office. Now all it needs is the lights. If only I can find them...

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Blogger Diana said...

i saw that match. and liverpool just wasted lots of chances, hopefully they'll convert their chances into goals next time

11/07/2004 5:01 PM  
Blogger Tai Yew Mun said...

Yeah. Lotsa chances missed. I hope mellor start bringing his goal scoring traits from reserves to 1st team...

11/08/2004 12:24 AM  

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