2006 looks like a bad year. I am referring to the Chinese lunar year. It was supposed to be a bad year for me, and I think it's really been bad. Let me list a few examples.
So I am glad to see the back of 2006. This new year is supposed to be a good year for me and I hope it's true.
- I like to play mahjong. Though I am not a very good player, my luck wasn't exceptionally good, but it has serves me well in that I won more than I lose. On the turn of the new year in 2006, I started losing my mahjong games, terribly. It's not unusual to not won a single game for the round, and that it's until the south win do I get to "listen". This goes on for 6 months. Fortunately, after that it's about 50/50.
- I bought a lucky charm only to have it broken within 1 month. It cost me a lot of money
- I lost 2 mobile phones
- During the last few weeks of the year, there were numerous unexpected incidents at work which my team have to work doubly hard to overcome
- There's a funneral opposite my flat on the last day of the year
- My friend tell me that her grandmother passed away on the 1st day of this year
- My friend's relative passed away yesterday. I know this 2 points does not happen in 2006, but those people that died did not die suddenly. It's due to bad conditions that fall on them in 2006.
So I am glad to see the back of 2006. This new year is supposed to be a good year for me and I hope it's true.
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