Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Friday, November 19, 2004

Ar... Long time no write liao... Been too nua... :P

Anyway, it was my friend's wedding on Sunday (14/11). Yes, It's Deepavali. His dinner was on Monday however. Apparently the ballroom was fully booked on Deepavali, so he have to hold it 1 day later.

We reach his house early at 6:30am. Had some toasts, and off we go to the bride's house. The bride's mum is very good. She arranged for grandma to come at 7:30, about the time we reach there. So the sisters gotta open the door for her, and we can barge in together. But we were the nice guys. We decide to subject the bridegroom to more tests. :P After her plan A failed, due to our incooperation, she resorted to sneaking us the keys. The bridesmaids had a hard time preventing the keys from slipping out.

In the end, we got in. The punishments we had to go thru were writing a poem on the spot, singing our secondary school song, eaten 4 wasabe laden sushi, drank a glass of pure freshly squeezed lime juice and a glass of pure vinegar. I was the one with the lime juice. Lucky me. Poor Justin got the vinegar.

After that are some photo taking and back we go to the bridegroom's house. It's more photo taking. Tea ceremony and buffet. After that we go to the newly wed's new house. There's some tradition about switching on all the lights in the house of the newly weds on the wedding day. Waiting for grandma to make a preparations before we set of for grandma's house to hold a teaa ceremony for the deceased grandad.

Then it's back to the bride's parent's house. More photo taking, tea ceremony, and buffet, and we go to the last stop of the day. Their house. We chill out for a bit, play abit of mahjong and then we were off.

The next day we turned up at the ball room to help him with the dinner. He brought a laptop to play their DVD clip on the projector. Strangely, the laptop can't produce any sound when plugged in to the hotel's sound system. So we had to rent a DVD player from the hotel to play it.

The dinner is nice. The bridegroom was toasted quite abit. He drank all the red wine toasts. The others is left to me. So I drank for him some cognac, some wine/beer concoction, some other weird concoctions as well. I gulped all of them down, and the guests were quite happy about it. Phew.

After the dinner, the brothers and the bridesmaids went with them to the hotel room to play some games with the newlyweds. By the time we left, the bridegroom was pretty knocked out. So was I.

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