Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I was having dinner with a female fren jus now. We were good friends and we always meet for dinner and to go Muchuan, but we have no romantic interest in each other. I guess we were both placed quite low on our ladders. :P

Anyway, she has a boyfren. She told me she asked him abt dinner and he did not reply her and hence she met me for dinner at an Indonesian restaurant at Riverside Point. The food is quite nice but the bill came up to be much higher than we thought.

As our dinner is about to end, the bf messaged her and tell her to go to Clark Quay MRT station control to meet him to go somewhere. and that he's not coming out. This great. Last minute decide to meet pp, just message and demand to meet. Don't even have to ask, and expect her to finish the dinner fast and go meet him. How much more does it cost to leave the station, come to the restaurant fetch her and go take another train??

On the way home, I was thinking about this and decide to let the imagination runs wild abit. Could it be he's trying to show me that the ger is his gf? Can it be a show of power? Purposely last minute call her meet him while in the middle of a meal to show the control he has over her. If it is, then he's wasted his efforts and jus pissed her off. Bo hua. :P

Anyway, whatever it is, it's their 2 problem. I had a nice dinner, though i thought it's too expensive.

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Blogger frances_sha said...

i think love is just blind.

I always do alot of silly and bo hua things when i am in love also.

10/09/2005 11:16 PM  
Blogger Tai Yew Mun said...

ya. love is blind. u sometimes do stupid things for the 1 u love.

but by being bo hua, i mean, instead of improving ur relationship wif ur beau, u causes a rift, then tats bo hua.

10/09/2005 11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without knowing the background, why was your 1st instinct that the boyfriend's actions has something to do with you? Couldn't it be just that he's a spoilt brat and demands love whenever he wants? It so happens u witness his moods when you with his GF?! Orr...maybe you got Ego problem.

And what does this blog title mean? Who being stingy? You or the bf?

10/11/2005 3:29 PM  
Blogger Tai Yew Mun said...

Erm. Thought I said my 1st impression is that he is damn stingy? To save the few cents incurred if he come out fetch the gf and take the train again.

And I thought I mentioned tat onli on the way home, when I let my imagination come wild that I have this idea?

10/11/2005 3:39 PM  
Blogger xxoos said...

now thinking about it again, i don't think he really wants to show you anything, but more so it sounds like he wants to tighten his grip on his girlfriend.

if he really wants to show you the girl is his gf, then he would have went to the restaurant and whisk her away from you... lol~ but instead he commanded her to his presence, so yup... it should be more of their problem than yours.

dont think u need to think too much about it ba~ lol~ maybe their r/s got prob? or maybe he just enjoy ordering ppl about. hehe...

10/12/2005 1:45 AM  

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