Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Continued from Phuket Sept 2005 Day 2

The 3rd day starts with the same breakfast as Continued from Day 2. After that we took the car out for 1 last spin. We are supposed to return the car by 11:20am.

We headed for another each area, I forget the name, but I think it starts with K. It is quite beautiful. Patong beaches are too commercialized. We did not spend much time there, just some photo taking.

PS stranded on some island? :P

No fishes there...

Relaxed in the middle of nowhere...

I thought the background is quite nice.

The way back is driven by another one of us with no license, Sharon. Sotong was saying she's driven by 4 different drivers in this trip, 2 of them without license, 1 had only driven once since getting the license few years back, and the other 1 has not driven cars this size b4. Scary.

We got back to the apartment at 11:15am. The receptionist told us the guy who collects the car has left as we were supposed to return at 11am. Apparently, Thierry made a mistake on the return time. On the rent slip, it say rented at 11:20am, return at 11am, though the rent is for 24 hrs. Overdue of everyhour is 100 baht. Luckily we were not charged for that.

We changed into beach attire and went to the beach after that. Thierry wanted to try para sailing and jet skiing. The above pic is another paranomic picture ofthe stretch of beach we were at taken by my Ericsson T750. notice that the beach looks curved? it's actually straight. It's the side effect of taking paranoma picture while standing still. :P

Putting the harness on Thierry.

Ready, get set....

You can see the guide is on top on Thierry now...

Landing now. The guide is now behind Thierry. Their job looks precarious. While the guest is all harnessed, the guide got nothing except his 2 hands and 2 legs. Hard money to earn there.

After seeing Thierry took to the skies, Sharon wanted a go herself.

She landed inthe water, I wonder if they do it on purpose. Haha!

She said she had a good time and it's not as scary as it look, but Sotong still dun dare to try.

PS, Sotong and Sharon tryst at the beach...

While Thierry goes jet skiing.

Sotong's turn to jet ski after Thierry.

With Sotong gone, PS, Thierry and Sharon had their romantic romp in the water. :P

Help! I am drowning!! Nah. The waves are fun, but it's not big enough though.

And Sotong is back.

PS masquerading with little success as a mermaid.

Thierry thought it's a monster.

I just want to fondle the boobs. :P

Leaving our footprint and handprints on the Phuket beach. I don't think it gonna stay long...

Sharon and Sotong posing for the camera while Thierry and me were busy washing the sand away from our shorts.

1 last pic before going back.

The lunch place. If you can call it lunch. It's 4pm. The food nothing great either. In fact, in the 3 days that we were there, none of the food is any great.

Saw this signboard on the way back to the apartment. list of islands that you can go in Thailand. I wish to point your attention to the only 4-chinese-character-island. Funny name for an island...

Last picture of the trip. Taken on the plane just before it lands. This is 1 of the rare pics where everyone is present. :)

The end.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

the beach is Karon beach..... and aiyo, what kind of "everyone is around" pic is that? PS n my fingers also counted sia? wahahahahaha.............

10/02/2005 6:58 PM  

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