Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Wenny was my JC + poly classmate. He's a smart guy. Handsome too. :) He went Taiwan on a 22 months work contract, but he say the project will be delated, so he's probably gonna be there for more than 2 yrs. He still got about 1/2 yr left.

He have 2 air tickets a year to come back. He came back once during cny and he'll ocme back again at nov this year to help out in Garry's big day. And he came back about 1 month ago. Partly to meet up with Minar who's leaving for Australia for good. and partly to organise a meet the parents session for his gf, Wendy. :P

And she's an army captain in Taiwan. Wooo! 制服诱惑!Haha!

Anyway, Wenny told me this trip he's paying out of his own pocket cos he needa save the company ticket for Garry in November. Garry, if you see this, Wenny say he not giving u any ang bao liao. Haha! Kidding.

We met up for a drink on Saturday night at Harry's in Esplanade. Before that we went to Makan Sutra next door for dinner. We ordered BBQ Stingray, satay, fried hokkien mee, lala and BBQ chicken wings. Other than the chicken wings, the rest are all stuffs that you can't get in Taiwan. All for Wendy's benefit. And also for our benefit, cos we like to them as well. :P

After that, we went to Harry's. and Gerald left.

This is the only group photo taken that night... Not much of a group. Haha!

The live band performing that nite is supposed to be quite good. there was 1 time where the lead guitarist was at Wala Wala when I was there. They invited him to perform a few numbers. He's good. But we were not paying attention. We were busy talking among ourselves and catching up with each other. We used to be working in the same company. Minar is going to Australia. Wai Hong has also left the company some time ago. Chee Wee and Irene are still there. Me has also left.

After the drink, wenny said he wanna show wendy the nite spot of Singapore. So we went to Zouk. It was pretty deserted. I wonder if it's cos we are too early, but it's already 12mn. We ordered our drinks walk around. Walk over to Phuture, finish our drinks and go home. I thought I enjoyed Phuture slightly more, though it's meant for the younger crowd. Me must be young at heart. Haha!

With that, good bye wenny. see you again in November!.

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