Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Thursday, September 29, 2005

This is another outdated post. Happens on Sept 10 2005, Saturday.

It's a busy weekend for me. There's a barflies outing to Changi Village, Charlie's Corner on Friday, 9th Sept. After a week of organising, Lady Red, the organiser, found out that she has some last minute stuff and can't go and she cancelled it. Somehow it got back alive again, and we still met at Charlie's corner. We were expecting about 5 to turned up, in the end there's 8 of us. I met Frenie and CG at Raffles City first before going to Tanah Merah MRT and took a bus to Changi Village. We met wtih King Meng in the MRT. Nad, Makan Guru, Urban Male Bitch were already there. Airhole and Zavalta came later. The food is ok. There's alotta variety of beer. The ambience is pretty cozy. After dinner, the barflies went to various places to chiong while I go Pasir Ris for Garry's Chalet.

Garry ballot and got a company chalet in Pasir Ris for that weekend. It's more of a bungalow though. We played some games and June, Choo, Weiling and Me played mahjong after the rest have gone to sleep. We went to sleep at abt 5am. I am supposed to meet Xiangsheng at 6am outside the chalet. He coming to pick me up in a taxi and we are going to Zhiming's house in Ang Mo Kio together.

Juliana, the bride, lives pretty nearby, so we set off at about 8am.

The "bride's brother" getting his ang bao. I did not check his actual relations with the bride, though traditionly, it should be the brother if there's 1.

The 1st thing that the girls at the gate wanted us to do is to wear stockings over our head, go to the ground floor, do pushups and shout "Juliana I love you". I thought this is abit stupid. Wearing stockings over our heads in public is almost demeaning liao, though it can be a fun line between demeaning and embarassing. We don't want to do it and managed to bargain it down to putting the stockings over our heads and doing the pushups outside the door. Only Zhiming is doing the shouting. The next is to drink 2 bottles of freshly squeezed lime juice. It's my favourite. I almost finished 1 bottle on my own. The 2nd bottle was untouched. There's a funny salty taste at the bottom of the bottle. I wonder if it's due to the reaction of the juice with the bottle, and I've not had any breakfast before that. I ended up with a stomach upset later.

The 3rd game is to brazilian wax our leg hair with the words I heart Juliana. Again, we refused to do it. Our precious leg hair cannot be removed. We still wanna wear our bermudas out. We managed to bargain to shaving 1 strand of leg hair from Zhiming's leg. Pheeew.

The last game is agreeable though. The gers passed us some sweet gel thingy that we supposed to draw the words I Heart Juliana on our palms. We did it, took a pic pretending to lick the words.

Finally it's the ang bao. They wanted to inspect the ang bao before opening the door. But as the amount in there is abit small, we managed to get grandma to open the door for us. *evil snicker*

After that is pretty much Zhiming's show. He gotta sings a song outside the bedroom, before the door is opened. His mother in law sang along with him. He went in, kiss the bride, came out with her, performed some rituals and the tea ceremonies.

What a lovely couple.

As the ceremonies doesn't concern us much, some of us brothers went outside to have our breakfast. The coffee shop where we had the breakfast is where i empty my bowels.... The toilet is very hot. I am all sweat when I came out.

After that it's back to Zhiming's place for more tea ceremonies. I was in the room surfing web and checking out the Cowboy Bar.

The next stop will be the church. Well, it's the usual church stuffs. There were songs, and the pastors made some speech and sermons. And they had the wedding solemnization in the church. And then it's the lunch reception. And then it's back home for some rest b3fore the wedding dinner. As I was preparing to go to the church, I realised that I do not have my wallet with me. Couldn't find it anywhere. Luckily Zhiming remember seeing it in his place. So Weiliang drove me and Zhiming's brother to his place to collect my wallet. Feel so sorry for troubling them.

I go home straight from Ang Mo Kio. Had a short nap and a change of clothes for the dinner.

This is the march in pictures. Aren't the bubbles nice?

I took pictures of the dishes served. But I decide aganist posting them here so as not to make this article too big.

This is the couple sharing their cross nuptial toast, or whatever u call that...

This is the cork from the champage that they popped for the yam seng ritual. Unlike Jerry and mich's wedding, there's no number in the cork, so can't buy 4D for it. :P

We brothers helped out the photographers during the photo taking. It went pretty smoothly I think. Luckily for Zhiming, and luckily for us, there's not much guests who wanna "toast" him. I think he drunk more during his Bachelor's night.

1 last picture before we left.

After that I went back to the chalet. Garry's colleague were having some gathering nearby and she (I think it's a she, but I am not sure) asked Garry to let them use the toilet and stuffs when they need and that they are going to pitch a tent or something outside. Out of the kindness of his heart, Garry offerred them the use of 1 room. Which he regretted. Beoh Siong was to wake up early the next morning and he went to bed early. But they were so noisy and rowdy despite us telling them repeatedly to lower the volume. It also affected us when we play out games. And they were still making alotta noise when we went to sleep. Luckily I am too tired to care much and sleep till morning.

We had our breakfast, and played some games. Then lunch and it's pack up and home.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's my cousin who opened the car door for ZM. My brother thought it would be 'cuter' for a younger boy to open door.
Thanks for downing that super sour concoction for him. It's no wonder why ZM considers you his best friend.
Your digicam takes sharp and rich pictures. Any more pics to share??

10/03/2005 2:02 PM  

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