Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, October 02, 2005

This post is about my Phuket trip last week, 24 Sept 2005 till 26 Sept 2005. I went Thierry, Sotong, Sharon and PS (Pile of Shit - Haha! kidding). We bought our tics from Tiger Airways at a promotion rate of $9.90 for 1 trip. And a return trip cost us a total of $95. Damn those taxes.

The reason it took so long for me to post this is cos I took some time sorting the pictures and also I maxed out my flickr limit, so gotta wait a coupla more days for the limit to be reset. This post gonna take some time to load as there's lotsa lotsa pics.

The flight to Phuket is at 8:30am. Means we gonna be there at 6:30 am. Meaning I gotta leave house at about 5:30am. Meaning I woke up at 5 am. But I slept at 4am the prev nite. Siongz. Sharon come pick me up in her cab at 5:30am and off we go to the airport. We checked in at the Tiger Airways counter without much problem. Sharon gotta check in hre luggage cos she brought sissors. Gasp.

The flight took about 2 hours. We had arranged for airport transfer. cost us 7000 baht per trip, total 1400baht. Expensive. The driver was waiting for us outside the airport. He was holding p piece of paper with Sharon's name written wrongly. Lucky we can find him...

Sharon, Sotong and Thierry smiling brightly in the van. Well, their smiles looks forced, but they are excited about the trip. Did I say they are excited about the trip? Yeah, they are excited about the trip. You know that they are excited about the trip right? Ok, I shan't say anymore that they are excited about the trip.

Took us about 45 minutes to reach the hotel from the airport. On reaching the hotel, there's no one in the reception counter. Instead, we found a note. I forgot to take a pic of it, but the content is something like this, "Dear guest of room XXX, I had borrowed your motorbike cos I needa do some errands". Oh gee, the receptionist jus took the guests bike for his own use ar...

The driver brings us to the apartment office somewhere into the premise where we checked in. The hotel is actually sort of an 2-storey-apartment. Living room, kitchen and a toilet is downstairs and 2 bedrooms and a toilet are upstairs. There are 2 rows of apartments in the building, ours is the 1 at the bottom.

This belongs to the girl in the office. A cutie. But Sharon is terrified of cats. She even wanted to change to the upper appartment cos she's afraid the cat will walk into our apartment. Gasp. Luckily there's no more vacancies in the upper apartments. I have a video of the kitty here.

After we put down our stuffs, we went for a walk around the place. Our hotel is in the Patong beach area. We ended up at a seafood restaurant right next to the beach for lunch.

No pics of the restaurent, not in my camera, but I got this. :P This is taken while waiting for food to be served.

We went for a walk along the beach after lunch.

We found quite a number of people doing para sailing.

On closer look, we see that there's a guide flying up with you. Can you see him? :P

Saw this hotel along the way. If they take out the e at the end, missy will love it. Haha!

We walked really far that day. from morning till evening. We settled on a coffee place for a break at abt 5pm. Real tired.

Do we look relaxed?

Saw this cute tuk tuk outside the coffee place. The tuk tuk in Phukey is a mini lorry. cleaner. And no smell. But we nvr took it. :P

As we walked back to the hotel, we saw a number of roadside seafood stalls. Jai is 1 of them. And it's where we had our dinner.

What we ordered. Or rather, what's left of it. The food is average only. But the owner is a nice guy. He said he knows the manager of the cabaret show and that he can get us discount. He offerred to take us there, thus saving us the taxi, and get the mgr to send us back as well. And got discount some more. Good right? There's still sometime left b4 the show start, so we took a walk around the area. We settled on a pub where me an Thierry watched Liverpool vs Birmingham. I am really scared when I see Reina between the post. Bring back Dudek! The rest played pool. When we went back to find Jai, he's busy tending to customers, so he send his cousin to ferry us there. And since the cousin duno the mgr, there's discount. And there's no ferry back, but he offerred to come back and fetch us. Nice guy.

Chio? They are guys. We had front row seats. It cost us 600 baht.

Another man smiling radiantly. You look at the 1 on the right. He look so glum thought out the show except at the end.

This guy got BIG boobs. fake 1 of cos. In fact, I suspect he's not a ah qua. Just a comedian. His job is to fill in the blanks while they change the back drop. Funny guy he is. And he leaves alotta lipstick marks on a few ang moh's face. Lucky no come find me. Probably cos he noes us chinks can't take such jokes. :P

I even have a clip for this performance. Click here.

There are a few real male dancers in the performance. He is 1 of them. Yan dao anot? I thought he looks gay though. His body language looks gay.

This 1 in korean garb. They have alotta pattern. Jap, Chinks, Ang moh, Korean. etc.

2 of the singers. Which 1 u like? :P Anyway, not they sing 1. They lipsync onli...

Another performance

There. He's smiling at last. He's so happy that he bared his nipple for the front row pp.

Taking this pic is not free. You gotta tip them. Since I've taken pics with their kind b4, I decide to pass. PS shall take it himself. The 1 in red on the right is quite flat. Bad boob job? Or conversion process not complete?

Bangkok Transvestites
This is a pic I taken in Bankok Mambo cabaret show 2 years ago. :0

Dressed to kill the right 1 is. To attract more pp to take pic with him and hence more pocket money.

This is the crowd's favourite. You look at the wad of bills he's holding in his hands after the photo session and you'll know he's the most popular. He got the most air time as well. But he looks quite ugly in a frontal shot.

Sotong with the hotshot. Not so hot now right?

This wraps up our 1st day.

Continued on Phuket Sept 2005 Day 2

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

deng deng deng.. u all pay 96 for round trip but i'm not ler.. i pay around 126 =.= (ps)

10/02/2005 2:16 PM  
Blogger Tai Yew Mun said...

Well, you were late. :)

10/02/2005 4:12 PM  

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