Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Continued from Phuket Sept 2005 Day 1

The 2nd day starts with breakfast. We are provided with a 4 man breakfast. 1 more set cost 500 baht, which we luckily refused. There's so much and we have some light eaters here. There's more than enough food for us.

This is our rented car. We decided to explore the neighbouring towns as well.

PS the 1st driver checking out the car.

We went to Phuket town for the day. Alongthe way, we stopped at this big big nice shopping center, Central, for lunch and abit of shopping. It's the only nice shopping center in Phuket I think.

I discovered there's a paranoma function in my camera. So I took a pic of the shopping center.

Our lunch.

This i s my lunch. At this jap restaurant called Oishi. There's quite a few of them in Thailand.

Phuket town is 1 dead town on a Sunday. I wonder how is it on the other days, but it's so boring. We stopped our car at this street.

The 2nd pic looks like it's around a corner, but it's actually a straight stretch of shophouses.

We saw a prata shop there as well.

We saw a temple nearby and checked it out. Nothing much interesting.

This Phuket shopping center. It's so so so boring.

On the way back, we passed by a nite market and we stopped for a look. It's so much better than the boring Phuket town. But I forgot to take pics. There's so many pp there., and I was busy looking around. We tried out some snacks there as well. And it's back to Patong.

We were driving along Patong beach when I see this. Thought it looks interesting. The pic is abit blurry cos my hand shaked abit while taking it. When I try to position for a better shot, an ang moh lady went to play on it. Oh well, gotta settle with this.

This is the dinner place. Sharon and PS were full from snacking, so that left Thierry, Sotong and me to eat. The food there is also only average. And it rained when we were finishing with the food, and it's an open air place. The waiters moved our food to a table indoor and we continue from there. I bought a packet of the Thai dessert, i don't know it's name, but it's mango with sweet glutinous rice. I planned to eat it after dinner but we got so full that we decide to just bring it back and put it in the fridge and eat the next day.

After dinner we went back to the apartment to wash up. And watch some tv. Then we decided to go out again. Sharon and PS wanted to do have some Thai massage. I was hopping to drive the car while they are in the massage parlour so that there's less pp in the car. I do not have a driving license in SG, but I have taken the test 4 times, and each time, I failed only cos I was too nervous. I feel condfident enough in handling the car. I may not have very gd skills, but I think my skills iwll be similar to those who just passed their tests. But they can't find any massage parlour opened at that time, so I drove with 4 passengers in the car. I wanted to drive 1 round and back to the apartment, but they told me to just drive on. We end up in this long winding dark road. It's prob a combination of the knowledge that I do not have a driving license, the road is dark and winding, I am driving at 60-80 kmph, they were making alot of complains about me going too fast. I can understand their concerns, but I feel I was pretty much in control thoughout the drive and they were getting on my nerves and it's affecting my concentration abit. Anyway, I managed to bring them back to the hotel in 1 piece, and they refused to let me drive the car again.

And that is the end of day 2.
Continued on Phuket Sept 2005 Day 3

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, cant blame us lar... with that kind of road conditions, driving to 60km/h is veri scary liao.... let alone 80 wahahaha...... unless you localborn and travel that route often (like jay chou n his racing track hahaha)

btw: the food you saying is called duno what mango with sticky rice i think..... :P

10/02/2005 2:44 PM  

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