Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Met up with a group of friends last night. We went to this place at the 5th floor of Orchard Cineleisure for some drinks. Chio Diver was late. As usual. :P

"I can't believe it. I did something really really stupid just now!" was the first thing she said when she came.

"What? You said goodbye to your boss before you leave?", Cat asked.

"Not this. Another one:.

Anyway, Chio Diver worked in the Far East Square there. As she was walking to the mrt, she heard someone called out to her. She thought she droped something, so she turned back. Some China guy (I forgot to ask her is it a guy or a gal) up to her and told her that he got nowhere to stay and got not enough money to book a hotel room. She opened her wallet and see onli a $2 note and a $50 note. She started to take out the $2 to give to the guy, but he said that it's not enough. So she gave him the $50! Gasps. $50 to a stranger!

She can't believe she did it. Normally, she would have just igored the fella and go. And she is in a hurry cos she's late. She duno what came over her. It's pretty obvious that the guy is try to cheat her money and she gave him $50. An insurance agent tried to talk to her outside Sommerset MRT, but she refused. Someone who's trying to earn a honest living, and she won't talk to him, yet she gave $50 to a cheat. Oh well, strange things happens.

Cat said that the guy may have hypnotised her. She said her dad had saw such pp around before. You can't help doing what they tells you to. It could be true, so you people who happens to work in Far East Square area, please be wary of such things happening. It will be harder to hypnotise you if you put up a mental defense against it. In fact, please be careful wherever you are. You won't know where you'll meet such pp.

Better be safe.

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