Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Monday, October 10, 2005

I was chatting wtih a fren in msn about my earlier post . She's not the 1 I talked about in that post. Nor is she the 1 in this post.

Anyway, she told me she was in a similar position with her 1st bf. Wherever she is, whatever she is doing, be it spending time wif parents or shopping with frens, when the bf calls, she has to go to him immediately.

What's it with guys who likes to have their gf at their whims and calls? I supposed there are woman who are like that too. The world is full of idiots.

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