Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Recently not much entries here. Cos nothing much interesting has happened. :P
I still got an outstanding entry in Garry and June's wedding. I am waiting for the pictures. And 1 or 2 abt Wallabye 2005...

Anyway, I thought that I can record down some lyrics that I come across and liked.

To start with, I'll write about the latest song that made an impression on me.

It's SHE's 星光。
2 of the lines goes like this

How apt.
If the night is not dark, then what's the worth of dreams.
When we set out to do something, we should not be bothered about it being too difficult if it's our dream to do so. Just becuase it's hard, makes the dream more worthy to persue.

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