Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Last week, I subscribe to a new Starhub mobile line. This was because Starhub offers free IDD to Taiwan, and other countries. This will enable me to call Yijun at a lower cost. :P And it comes with free incoming calls. I informed my closer frens abt this new number so that they'll call me on this line. My existing M1 line cannot be cancelled as I am currently under contract. But i figured that I have alotta talk time and sms in that line, so I go for the starhub plan with no sms but more outgoing talktime.

Just now, I am doing my sums and thought that the extra subscription for Starhub might hurt me. I called M1 to see if I can downgrade my plan. My plan is under contract, so I thought I cannot downgrade it, but I decide to give it a shot. It turned out I was wrong. I can downgrade after all. So I downgrade it to a free incoming call plan with 100 outgoing minutes and 500 sms. So now my frens can forget needing to remember a 2nd number for me. I'll use the starhub line solely for calling yijun. :)

If you read until here, I thank you. Seriously, of all my blog entry so far, I think all of them are crap. And boring. Who would be interested in knowing the logic for getting a new mobile line. I won't be interested to read this blog. Somehow, the other blogs are so much more interesting... I have much to improve on....

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