Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Monday, January 17, 2005

It's been a long time. And much has happened. I shall attempt now to cover them... :P

Firstly, the hottest topic, the Asia Tsunami. I had briefly touched on it in few earlier posts. It's dreadful and more than 150,000 pp had died from it. There were a few tales of survivals and a few of tragic deaths. The poor lady who had to let go of the elder son in order to save the younger. Jet Lee who hang on to both his mum and wife/child (not sure which) and refuses to let go any of them. The man who floated in the sea for 2 weeks and found instant noodles, coconuts and a hoe to cut the coconuts floating to him. His companion who tried swimming to shore and was never found. The baby that floated on a mattress back to his family. The richer countries rushing to render aids. This will continue to be the topic of many for a long time to come...

Next is the taupok incident. In a nutshell, a father wrote in to straits times forum to complain abt the dangerous game taupok, where guys all pile on top of a victim, played during orientation. His surname is Situ, which makes it easy to identify his son. Wonder what will happen to the son in school. Anyway Taupok is now banned in his sch. You can go Mr brown to read more about it.

Anyway, I have 3 main views about the thing.
1), If the son is not comfi playing it, he should not blame peer pressure and then complain to his dad. He's not a child, for goodness sake.
2) Whatis the father trying to achieve by going public? Fame? His tone carries a very arrogant feel to it like his top class citizen and the others are second class.
3) There are other more dangerous game. The "pole" game where a guy has his leg separated and rammed towards a pole is as dangerous. And I believe soccer, basketball, rugby are much more dangerous. Why not ban those as well? We have all become so soft. So afriad of injuries.

Thirdly is that Liverpool has lost to manure again. at Anfield. Sigh. Jerzy dudek let in a stupid goal. He later claimed that he was unlucky with it. While I dun really hold it against it, but he lost some respect when he go crying abt being unlucky. should have jus stand up and accept responsibility for it, unlucky or geniune mistake. And I spent alotta money on that game. It was supposed to be a gathering at Bern's place. But I chosed to go watch the game at the club. Spent $20 on beer, $15 on the taxi fare to Bern's place, $10 on taxi home. Thats almost $50 extra spent on nothing. this is shitty. And I am broke... :(

Fourth is that I've just watched Meet the Fockers. It's quite funny. But maybe it's cos of higher expectations, I found the 1st part, Meet the Parents, to be better.

Ok, thats the rants thus far. Hopefully I can find more discipline and update this more often.

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