Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Someone told me this morning that Liverpool has not won Newcastle for the past duno how long. My answer is that Liverpool has not won in Old Trafford for 50 yrs few yrs back. Now they win there a number of times liao. Such history dun count much.

True enuff, Pool wins today. Gd goals by Mellor and Baros. Entertaining game to watch! I cancelled my sports channel at home. So I go to the kopi tiam downstair and ordered a bottle of beer and watch the match, like the ah peks, but minus the kiao kar. This is so much cheaper than going to the Liverpool club. 1 bottle of beer cost onli $5 at the kopi tiam. But 1 jug of beer in the club is $20. If you do not know, 1 jug = 2 bottles. Another reason I did not go to the club this time is cos everytime I go there watch, the results mostly less than disiring.... Think it's a cursed place. :P

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good result for Liverpool today, well done.

BTW you haven't mentioned the previous three games, Aston Villa (draw 1-1), Everton (lost 1-0) and Portsmouth (draw 1-1). Do you only comment on games that you win ?

12/20/2004 12:23 AM  
Blogger Tai Yew Mun said...

Oh. I din realise. I comment when I feel like it. Guess I am more excited when we win. :P

12/21/2004 3:36 PM  

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