Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sigh. This CNY has not been very kind to me. At least in the luck department. Lost $60+ in 2 mahjong sessions. May not seem like much to some pp, but it's very much to me... :(

Anyway, to happier stuffs. Went Jerry's house for a pot luck on the 12th, Saturday. I prepared Potato Gratin, which I learned from Weiling. I had planned on leaving house at 9:30am and reach his place at abt 10am. But I watched too much TV and ended up leaving house at 10am. So I took a cab. As it turned out, I am too early. Michelle(Jerry's wife to be) was still sleeping and Jerry is working. Poor Mich. :P

We made the mistake to put the potato gratin in a plastic microwavable container in the oven to bake. the container deformed and there goes 1 nice tub of potato gratin. I seems to have put alotta cheese into it and the cheese is finished pretty fast and Stan have to go buy more. Stan is the 2nd to come, followed by June and Huishan. Huishan came with 1 big draq up of the Da Xiao (Big Small) board. Coolz.

Ended up prepare 2 big containers of potato gratin. The 1st is pretty watery. again. I wonder what went wrong. Is it because I added too much cheese or I did not draing the potato enough... But the 2nd container is pretty presentable. But most importantly, Every1 likes it. :)

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