Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Monday, January 31, 2005

No, I do not know michael jordan, nor jordan knight of nkotb. This jordan is my fren from back in GESS days. I've forgotten exactly why the nickname, except that it got something to do with the regular basketball sessions we've had.

It's his wedding on Saturfay, 29th Jan 2005. We stayed over at his new house on friday nite. We had some games and beers. But sadly, no gers. :P Anyway, his house is conveniently located beneath his parents'. So we do not have to travel much. Unfortuantely, his wife's place is at the other side of the island. We set of at abt 7.

On reaching the bride's place, the bridesmaids called for him to shout his request from beneath the block to the bride, in front of a busy road with alotta pp walking by. So there he was hollering "I love you" to his bride in the 6th floor before we took the lift up. Getting the gers to open the door isn't really difficult. He gave them 1 ang pao, they complained too little, he gave another 1, and they serve us some desserts and in we go.

Unfotunately, it doesn't end there. The door to the bride's room is locked as well. They wanted him to sing to her before opening the door. Since my fren say he can't sing, we ask the mother-in-law for help. and she gets the girls to open the door. Phew. Seems like this wedding is easy on the brother gang. Not much that we can do. We can't be shouting "I love you" up 6 floors with him. It will be weird. And we are not contributing to his open-the-door-ang-bao. We only got to share his morning desserts.

Then it's back to his parent's place for the tea ceremony and some buffet. On the way there, Justin said that he got craving for sussage McMuffin with eggs. So we stop at King Albert Park Mcdonald for some drive-in takeaway.

After the tea ceremony, it's back to the bride's place for more tea ceremony. As he has no use for us anmore, we excused ourselves and go visit Jiafeng and his newborn ger. She's cute, though i thought she's abit skinny. Jiafeng says she likes to cry, but she seems quite peaceful while we are there. Later, Jiafeng told us that she cries after we left. One of them must be having a peacful effect on her. I think it's Jinfeng. :)

We set off for the hotel where the wedding dinner is to be held, and where we got a room to freshen up at about 2. And it's mostly sleep. We even missed the solemization. But Danny was there to represent us. :P

And it's dinner time! The food is quite nice. And I was quite impressed by his wedding photo shoot. There's 1 shot of them underwater in their gowns. Coolz. And then it's the toasting ceremony. The bunch of us went up to do the shouting. Apparently we were quite loud. I think it was partly due to the hall not being too big and the sounc can bounce back thru the walls. And my, his guest are really out to get him. He got much more alcohol toast than Quanming. It took 5 of us to help him.

We managed to keep him sober to thank the guest as they leave. And then it's to the hotel room. There, it's out turn to make him drunk. :P Well, i think he's hold his alcohol quite well. He can still play finger guessing games and wins despite being intoxicated. We stopped after he vomited. And home we go.

He's the 3rd of the gang to be married. There's 9 of us. Someday, it may be my turn. We shall see.

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