Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Friday, February 04, 2005

My friend, Diana, subscribed to a M1 line. She has been with M1 for a few years, and for the last year she has been out of contract. I had heard of quite a number of instances where other service providers will send a voucher for mobile phones to people whose contract with them are expiring, in the hope that they'll buy a new phone with them. And hence, sign a new contract, hereby tie-ing themselves in for 2 more years.

One day, Diana told me that she's thinking of switching to Starhub as they sells the model of phone that she wanted for about $200 cheaper. I told her to try sending an email to M1 telling them that her line is currently under no contract and that she wanted to get a phone with starhub that is cheaper and ask whether they can match it for her. They waited about 3 days befoe calling her. They told her that the model of phone that she wanted is out of stock and that they cannot do anything.

she went to Starhub to subscribe to a new line and cancel her M1 line that evening.

I thought it's very bad customer service by M1. Either they have a very lousy people in customer service or they do not care if their subscriber switch provider. No doubt they have no stock for the phone, but they could have at least try to entice her with offer for another model. Or better still, offer her a phone voucher. But nothing. They told her they cannot do anything as the model is out of stock. Only that. They took 3 days to reply, so I will assume that the customer service officer in charge of calling my friend would have enough time to speak to the relevant people if he(she) do not have the authority to give discounts.

Actually it doesn't make much difference to Diana whether she subscribe to M1 or to Starhub. She just wanted to get a new phone. I was just disappointed in M1. They used to provide better service. Nowadays they seem to have gone big-headed. They have no strength at all compared to the other 2 mobile srevice provider. They are not cheaper than their competitor and they got no special identity. And now, they do not seem to care for their existing customers.

I have about 1 9 more mths to run on my contract to M1. I may just cancel it at the end of it if nothing attractive pops up by then...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

what im aware of is M1 will try to persuade their customers to continue the line, by offering a discount in the plans. I got that last time, they sure took a long time trying to convince me, but i didnt want. The same thing happened to my fren when she wanted to cut her line too.


2/04/2005 1:24 AM  

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