Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Monday, February 21, 2005

I deployed my plum blossoms tree on 18th Feb. I on the lights 24 hour. on the 21st Feb, when I came in in the morning, it's still shining fine. But in the afternoon, the bulb blew, and there's no more lights. Sigh.

I dismantle the thing, and find that inside, the power cord is connected to a transformer, which output to the bulb and a motor tat rotates a filter on top of the bulb. The bulb is arranged in a strange way. It's tilted to 1 side. That was why the lights in the tree is brighter at the bottom. The bulb is only shining at half the optic fibers below cos of the tilt.

Anyway, I bought a replacement bulb and place it upright and the tree is beautiful again. As i was preparing to leave the ofc after awhile, i notice a burining smell and find the transformer overheating. I off it and went off.

Next morning, when I went back, I on the lights again. The transformer is cool, so I thought I'll check back after awhile. I forgot. I was engrossed in work when I heard pop sound. I check out the tree and find the motor is not moving and the bulb is not lighted. There goes the transformer. I hope the motor is still working, but I'll never know until I replace the transformer...

So now the tree stands without it's shining lights.

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