Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

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Location: Singapore

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The 5th and the 6th of March 2005 is a very hard weekend for me. An army buddy and an ex-colleague get married on those 2 dates respectively. Both spent a fortune on their wedding dinner.

I thought Kelvin is a lucky person. His wedding date wins the 4D top prize on the same say. 5th March 2005. The top prize is 3505. I bought 0305. Grr. But how many pp can boasts that their wedding date wins the top prize on their wedding day? I wonder if any of his guests / friends / relatives buys that number. I was close to winning $10k. That would make my ang bao problem go away immediately. :P

Speaking of ang bao problem, I have to thank Kelvin for telling me to just go enjoy the food without giving any ang bao. But I couldn't do that. I still wrap a sizable ang bao for him. After all, this is probably the onli chance I get to give him a wedding ang bao.

Sunday was Jasmin's wedding dinner. At 4 Seasons. It's a nice place with nice food and nice choclates. And they hired 2 singers to entertain the guests. They are good. Better than the 4 piece jazz band that Kelvin hired.

1 bad thing happen to me at the wedding though. I received a phone call with the caller ID unable to identify the caller. Normally when this happens, it's prob 1 of the following 3 persons, Yijun, Sang Wee or Floria. Sang Wee was at the dinner with me, and Floria dun really call me that often, so it's prob Yijun. However, when I answered the phone, there's no sound. I called for a few times, receiving no reply, I hung up the phone. The next day, Yijun asked to speak to me in a worried / sad tone. Turned out she's the 1 who called me. However, she said a lady answered. She asked who called, and Yijun answered saying she's my fren. The lady then hung up on her. This freaked Yijun out and she told me she couldn't sleep tat nite and had a restless day they next day until she talked to me. It's probably a crossed line. I think it's the 1st time it has happened to me. But poor Yijun. I should have called back when I hung up, tat will have soothed her somewhat. And, I hope she's ok now.

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