I've just watched 不能说的秘密, or Secret in english. I think this movie is nice. The
叶湘伦 is a university undergrad, major in piano. He had just transferred to a new university, where his dad was a lecturer. He was exploring the school and went to the piano room. He was told that it would be demolished on their graduation day. He met 路小雨 and heard her play a very beautiful song on the piano. Immediately, he felt a certain attraction to her.
However, there's a certain mystery surrounding 小雨 and it took 小伦 certain effort and time to get to know more about her and to be closer to her. She had asthma and was absent from school most of the times and thy don't get to see each other often. As they were both talented pianist, they grew closer to each other pretty fast. On one occasion, 小伦 had a piano duel with the resident expert in piano. 小伦 showed his talent in music when he managed to playback every single thing that the expert played once for him. In the end he won a very rare piano score from him. 小雨 was quite impressed. He later gave the piece to 小雨.
小伦 had always wanted 小雨 to teach him play the beautiful piece of music that he heard her play when they met for the first time. After some time, she finally agreed to play once again for him. However she played it at a very fast pace this time, and 小伦 had a hard time trying to remember it. He promised her that he'll write a song for her and played it on their graduation day.
There's another girl, 晴依, who liked 小伦 as well, and he has sometimes used her to tease 小雨. There's 1 day, where 小伦 passed a note to 小雨 during class asking her to meet him at the piano room after school. He was engrossed in the piano with his eyes closed when he felt 小雨 came in and kissed him. He heard the janitor called 小雨's name from outside. Turned out he wasn't kissing 小雨, but 晴依. 小雨 must have seen it and run away. He tried to chase after her and couldn't find her.
小雨 disappeared for several months after that. 小伦 tried to find her to no avail and slowly resigned himself to losing her. On their graduation day, he really played a new piece of song for 小雨. Before he went on stage, 晴依 lent him her lucky wrist band. Halfway thru the song, he saw her at the doorway to the hall. She was touched and left the hall. He immediately chased after her leaving the performance halfway. He managed to catch up with her and they hugged. As he has to get back to the hall, he told her to wait for her at their classroom. Before he left, she saw that he was wearing 晴依's wrist band.
When he went to the classroom, she wasn't there. There's only 2 of his friends looting the lockers of stationeries. They left him a liquid paper. When he asked if they had seen the girl he danced with during an earlier party, they said that he was dancing alone that night.
小伦 thought back to the times they were seeing each other, he realise she doesn't have any interaction with other people. It's always just the 2 of them. This realization is getting too much for him and he sits down at her seat, stunned. Suddenly, he see white words, like they were written with liquid paper, appeared on the table. "我是小雨". He immediately took out his liquid paper and wrote "你在哪里?". More words appear. "你爱我吗?" When he tried to reply, he found that the liquid paper is running empty and he barely managed to dot out the outline of a heart. Nothing happened after that.
He went to her house to look for her. Her mum showed him to her room where they found the score that he has given her. Inside is a very old sketching of his face. Her mum broke down and cried, saying she should have believed her. She passed a him a old picture of 小雨 and his dad, taken in school.
He went home and asked his dad about 小雨. 小雨 was his student 20 years ago. 1 day, she told him a bizarre story.
She found a score titled "Secret". In it wrote that to play the score to go on a journey. The first person will be her destiny. To come back, play it again in a fast pace. (I can't remember the exact words, but the meaning is near there). She played the piece and found herself move forward 20 years in time and met 小伦 in the piano room when he 1st arrive in the university. she realized that since he 1st see 小伦, he's the only person who can see her. When she went back to her present time, she counted the steps to reach his classroom so that she reach his classroom with her eyes closed and see him first. It didn't everytime. On the day that he has the duel with the piano expert, she saw 晴依 first, and that's why she did not talk to him when he won the duel, and that he did not realize she was there. On another time, she saw the janitor first. Later she saw 晴依 kissing 小伦 and she was heartbroken. She runs away. 小伦 chased after her and couldn't find her as he can't see her. She told 小伦's dad that she do not want to do back anymore and asked him to safekeep the Secret score for her.
小伦's dad didn't know it's 小伦 she's talking about. He didn't believe her story either, but he tried to console her. He told her class monitor about this and asked her to look after 小雨. However, it did not work out that way. the class monitor told everyone and they ridiculed her about it. She was devastated and went home and did not go to school after that. And at home, her mum didn't believe her either and brought her some mental problem medicine. She sketch his picture and showed her mum, but she only pay lip service to her.
On graduation day, 小伦's dad came and asked her to attend the ceremony. Her classmates didn't warm up to her in school, so she went to the piano room to play Secret again, and that's why she appeared at the doorway to the hall where 小伦 is performing. However, when they parted, she saw that he was wearing 晴依's wrist band. She's heart broken again, and went back to her present time. she went to her class room and wrote these words on her table. "我是小雨 你在哪里?". After that, she had her asthma attack.
On hearing the story from his dad, 小伦 ran back to the school. They were starting to demolish the piano room. He sneaked into it and played Secret in a fast pace. 小雨 had played once for him before and he can remember. He managed to finish the last note just as before the building was demolished.
He managed to find 小雨, and presumably lived happily ever after.
This is a very nice twist to the story. And I liked the way he progress the story. Eg, the piano duel. This scene showed how only 晴依 can see her. And also show that 小伦 is capable of remembering music just by listening to them once. Or the times where 小伦 was teasing her about 晴依 which finally leads to her being misunderstood about the 2 of them. After seeing 小雨 during graduation, 小伦 returned 晴依 the lucky wrist band commenting that it indeed brought him luck, because 小雨 finally appeared after so long. Little did he know that it only causes more misunderstanding between them.
I thought it's quite well done, considering it's Jay Chow's first attempt at directing a movie. Kudos to him.
叶湘伦 is a university undergrad, major in piano. He had just transferred to a new university, where his dad was a lecturer. He was exploring the school and went to the piano room. He was told that it would be demolished on their graduation day. He met 路小雨 and heard her play a very beautiful song on the piano. Immediately, he felt a certain attraction to her.
However, there's a certain mystery surrounding 小雨 and it took 小伦 certain effort and time to get to know more about her and to be closer to her. She had asthma and was absent from school most of the times and thy don't get to see each other often. As they were both talented pianist, they grew closer to each other pretty fast. On one occasion, 小伦 had a piano duel with the resident expert in piano. 小伦 showed his talent in music when he managed to playback every single thing that the expert played once for him. In the end he won a very rare piano score from him. 小雨 was quite impressed. He later gave the piece to 小雨.
小伦 had always wanted 小雨 to teach him play the beautiful piece of music that he heard her play when they met for the first time. After some time, she finally agreed to play once again for him. However she played it at a very fast pace this time, and 小伦 had a hard time trying to remember it. He promised her that he'll write a song for her and played it on their graduation day.
There's another girl, 晴依, who liked 小伦 as well, and he has sometimes used her to tease 小雨. There's 1 day, where 小伦 passed a note to 小雨 during class asking her to meet him at the piano room after school. He was engrossed in the piano with his eyes closed when he felt 小雨 came in and kissed him. He heard the janitor called 小雨's name from outside. Turned out he wasn't kissing 小雨, but 晴依. 小雨 must have seen it and run away. He tried to chase after her and couldn't find her.
小雨 disappeared for several months after that. 小伦 tried to find her to no avail and slowly resigned himself to losing her. On their graduation day, he really played a new piece of song for 小雨. Before he went on stage, 晴依 lent him her lucky wrist band. Halfway thru the song, he saw her at the doorway to the hall. She was touched and left the hall. He immediately chased after her leaving the performance halfway. He managed to catch up with her and they hugged. As he has to get back to the hall, he told her to wait for her at their classroom. Before he left, she saw that he was wearing 晴依's wrist band.
When he went to the classroom, she wasn't there. There's only 2 of his friends looting the lockers of stationeries. They left him a liquid paper. When he asked if they had seen the girl he danced with during an earlier party, they said that he was dancing alone that night.
小伦 thought back to the times they were seeing each other, he realise she doesn't have any interaction with other people. It's always just the 2 of them. This realization is getting too much for him and he sits down at her seat, stunned. Suddenly, he see white words, like they were written with liquid paper, appeared on the table. "我是小雨". He immediately took out his liquid paper and wrote "你在哪里?". More words appear. "你爱我吗?" When he tried to reply, he found that the liquid paper is running empty and he barely managed to dot out the outline of a heart. Nothing happened after that.
He went to her house to look for her. Her mum showed him to her room where they found the score that he has given her. Inside is a very old sketching of his face. Her mum broke down and cried, saying she should have believed her. She passed a him a old picture of 小雨 and his dad, taken in school.
He went home and asked his dad about 小雨. 小雨 was his student 20 years ago. 1 day, she told him a bizarre story.
She found a score titled "Secret". In it wrote that to play the score to go on a journey. The first person will be her destiny. To come back, play it again in a fast pace. (I can't remember the exact words, but the meaning is near there). She played the piece and found herself move forward 20 years in time and met 小伦 in the piano room when he 1st arrive in the university. she realized that since he 1st see 小伦, he's the only person who can see her. When she went back to her present time, she counted the steps to reach his classroom so that she reach his classroom with her eyes closed and see him first. It didn't everytime. On the day that he has the duel with the piano expert, she saw 晴依 first, and that's why she did not talk to him when he won the duel, and that he did not realize she was there. On another time, she saw the janitor first. Later she saw 晴依 kissing 小伦 and she was heartbroken. She runs away. 小伦 chased after her and couldn't find her as he can't see her. She told 小伦's dad that she do not want to do back anymore and asked him to safekeep the Secret score for her.
小伦's dad didn't know it's 小伦 she's talking about. He didn't believe her story either, but he tried to console her. He told her class monitor about this and asked her to look after 小雨. However, it did not work out that way. the class monitor told everyone and they ridiculed her about it. She was devastated and went home and did not go to school after that. And at home, her mum didn't believe her either and brought her some mental problem medicine. She sketch his picture and showed her mum, but she only pay lip service to her.
On graduation day, 小伦's dad came and asked her to attend the ceremony. Her classmates didn't warm up to her in school, so she went to the piano room to play Secret again, and that's why she appeared at the doorway to the hall where 小伦 is performing. However, when they parted, she saw that he was wearing 晴依's wrist band. She's heart broken again, and went back to her present time. she went to her class room and wrote these words on her table. "我是小雨 你在哪里?". After that, she had her asthma attack.
On hearing the story from his dad, 小伦 ran back to the school. They were starting to demolish the piano room. He sneaked into it and played Secret in a fast pace. 小雨 had played once for him before and he can remember. He managed to finish the last note just as before the building was demolished.
He managed to find 小雨, and presumably lived happily ever after.
This is a very nice twist to the story. And I liked the way he progress the story. Eg, the piano duel. This scene showed how only 晴依 can see her. And also show that 小伦 is capable of remembering music just by listening to them once. Or the times where 小伦 was teasing her about 晴依 which finally leads to her being misunderstood about the 2 of them. After seeing 小雨 during graduation, 小伦 returned 晴依 the lucky wrist band commenting that it indeed brought him luck, because 小雨 finally appeared after so long. Little did he know that it only causes more misunderstanding between them.
I thought it's quite well done, considering it's Jay Chow's first attempt at directing a movie. Kudos to him.
9/06/2007 01:15:00 AM
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