Stupid Genius

- Making mistakes is our rights, learning from them is our responsibilty.

- "I have no choice" is another way of saying "I've have chosen the easier option"

- Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Thomas A Edison

My Photo
Location: Singapore

* To see all images, click on either the article title or the perma link at the bottom of the article

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today is my last day working, in the same company for the 3rd time. This time, it's a much better experience than the last time because I managed to accomplish more than the last time.

My boss, Mr. Tan, has been very kind to offer to treat me dinner. I almost can't go as I've arranged to meet my financial analyst. Turned out that I've got some last minute stuff to settle and he has to meet another client soon, so we postponed our meeting. And I took up Mr. Tan's offer after all.

I managed to con him into going to Hog's Breath. I've heard that it's quite good, and I've been looking for opportunities to go there.

Anyway, the steak is nice! I think it’s better than Outback, but Outback have this shrooms side dish that’s yummy! And the vegetables that are served with the steak include carrot, broccoli and sweet corn. Yummy. I had the steak medium rare this time. I think I will have it rare the next time.

There are 2 things that I don't really like about them though. First, they served my red wine chilled. I would prefer it to be room temperature. Second, I ordered a glass of ice water when they serve me my red wine because I want to save the wine until the steak arrives. The iced water comes after I finished my steak...

But this are just small issues. The food is nice, and that's most important. Another good point is that the set lunch for Monday and Friday is prime ribs and Wednesday is lamb shanks. And they cost only $9.80 inclusive of a drink! The dinner just now cost Mr. Tan almost $90 total!

So if you are nearby Chijmes during lunchtime, you might just want to have steak for lunch.

haleiluya: u shld write a script to auto trigger the clicking of the Google Adsense
StupidGenius: cannot.
StupidGenius: they will detect the ip
StupidGenius: and see same ip so many clicks.
StupidGenius: worse still if they discover it originates fr me.
haleiluya: lidat then u muz really put more hum sup chio bu pics in ur blog so tat more pple will come
StupidGenius: haha

Monday, February 27, 2006

Just read this article

Hmm... The pianist sounds abit like me.
"Like that can meh? Skaly scare the ger away how?"

Maybe thats why I do not have a girlfriend.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The couple and us
Jinfeng is getting married to Alice today. He's the 4th among us to be married. Seems like only yesterday that we knew each other, but this is actually the 18th year. How time flies.

[IMAGE: Bridegroom and brothers]
Bridegroom and brothers
I went to Jinfeng's house at 8pm. His house is less than 5min walk from mine. How convenient for me. We are to set off for Alice's place at 8:30pm, but we did not leave the place until 8:45pm. Such a relaxed wedding it is. :)

[IMAGE: Bridal car]
Bridal car
Of course, it helps that Alice's place is 1 minute drive from their new house. How convenient for all of us.

[IMAGE: At the door]
At the door
When we arrived at the door, they refused to open it.

[IMAGE: At the window]
At the window
We have to talk to them through the window. It's a big window though. Much much much bigger than the door.

Luckily for us, this bunch of sisters is not that bad. They only ask Jiafeng to act as tree while Jinfeng and Quanming act like an Indian couple playing hide and seek at the tree.

[IMAGE: Morning drink]
Morning drink
Then we have to drink the 5 cups of drinks that they prepared. All of the drinks are not that hard to drink. But there are 6 of us! And Danny got away...

[IMAGE: Ang bao haggling]
Ang bao haggling
Next is ang bao haggling time. Jinfeng gave them $8000. In ruppiah. They refused of course! Haha! They did open the door after awhile when Jinfeng gave them a 2nd ang bao.

[IMAGE: 2nd door]
2nd door
There's 1 last test before the bride will open the door. Jinfeng have to recite a poem to her in Cantonese. He can't speak Cantonese to save his life, so it's pretty hilarious. We wrote the poem in English, and his mother-in-law is the translator.

[IMAGE: Unveiling the bride]
Unveiling the bride
The moment we have all been waiting for. He did not kiss her on the lips though. So disappointing. This is the first wedding I went to where the kiss is on the cheeks. Such shy fellas they are.

[IMAGE: Tea ceremony]
Tea ceremony
They had the tea ceremony at Alice's place before going to Jinfeng's place.

[IMAGE: To the car]
To the car
Look at Alice, she must be very happy with her catch! :)

[IMAGE: In the car]
In the car
This picture looks simple, but we had a hard time taking it. This picture is taken on the way to Jinfeng's place. We are moving on roads and not expressways. There are a lot of other cars on the road and we have to speed up from behind to overtake them and yet at the same time avoid crashing into other cars. The newlyweds also have to realize that we are there and open the window. All the efforts and it doesn't show on the pictures. I should have capture video. @#$!%&^*

[IMAGE: Below Jinfeng's place]
Below Jinfeng's place
Finally we arrived at Jinfeng's place. There's no available parking, so we parked in the reserved parking lot. I hope the ticket aunties will not put their commission above spoiling the mood of the wedding. :P

Anyway, it's a car license nice number on Jinfeng's left side. 4D anyone?

[IMAGE: At Jinfeng's place]
At Jinfeng's place
At Jinfeng's place is the tea ceremony and then off to Ritz Carlton we go!

[IMAGE: View from Jinfeng's]
View from Jinfeng's
I thought his place has a nice view.

[IMAGE: Below Jinfeng's place]
Below Jinfeng's place
She's really going to hold on to her catch. :P

At Ritz Carlton
They gave us a room at Ritz Carlton. It's a nice room. I think it's better than Garry's at Raffles Hotel. But Raffles Hotel's toilet is better. RC also gave them 3 cute bears, 2 gigantic sandwich and chocolates. We did not finish the sandwiches.

[IMAGE: At the reception]
We rested for awhile at the hotel room, and then to the wedding reception. The reception is just like any other. Guest loitering around sipping, on their drinks and talking with the relatives while waiting for the hall door to open.

[IMAGE: Solemization]
Before lunch can begin, it's the solemization ceremmony. They've got JP David Loh to do it for them. I seems to see him at every out of ROM solemnization. He's sure is a popular guy. And he speaks like Yoda.

[IMAGE: It's for real]
It's for real
Confirmed. Signed. Married. :)

[IMAGE: Cake cutting]
Cake cutting

[IMAGE: Lunch begins]
Lunch begins
And lunch begins!

It's a buffet lunch. The food is quite nice. Midway though the meal, they went around each table taking pictures with the guests. And then it's game time. Before the game commerce, the MC go around to a few tables and tried to get at least 1 friend from each stage of their lives to say nice things about them. Quanming is our spokesperson.

The game for Jinfeng and Alice is to ask them questions and compare if their answers are similar. And that about wraps up the day. Quanming gave me and Danny a ride home.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Jinmei and Vincent

Before I talk about the wedding, I would like to say something about Jinmei. She's a pretty girl with a good personality. Vincent is sure 1 lucky chap. But whenever I think of Jinmei, 1 incident came to mind, her 21st birthday party. It's memorable for me.

I came to know Jinmei through ML. Other than ML, we do not have much mutual friends. KW, SC and MM are 2 of them. Jinmei rented a chalet at East Coast Park to celebrate her 21st birthday, and she invited KW, SC, MM and me. Her good friend ML is invited of course, and they are the only people I know who attended the party, and it's a big party.

KW and I went to the chalet early. We played some card games with Jinmei and her friends, and when the time comes, we started the fire for barbecue. And there lies the memorable part of the party. KW and I were stuck in the barbecue pit cooking for the rest of the night. That and the fact that i don't know a single person who come and get the food from us makes me feel like a hired cook, except that I am not paid for it. In fact, I paid for it.

It's not really Jinmei's fault of course. She's busy entertaining the guests that keep coming, and I am glad to be able to help out.

[IMAGE: Marina Mandarin]
Marina Mandarin

Enough of history and fast forward back to the wedding. The dinner is held at Marina Mandarin. I arrived at the wedding at about 7:30pm. I forgot to bring an Ang Bao, so I get Cindy to bring me the red packet while I went to withdraw money at the ATM. Stupidly, the machine do not dispense $10 note, and I have to change machine. Fortunately, the other machine has $10 note in it.

[IMAGE: Me and Jinmei]
Me and Jinmei
When I arrived, there's no one whom I know there. Fortunately I spotted Jinmei after awhile. It's quite rare to see the bride during cocktail reception as they are normally still doing make up at that time.

[IMAGE: KW, KW's partner, Jinmei and me]
KW, KW's partner, Jinmei and me
Just as I was taking a picture with Jinmei, KW came. Just as I just going to get bored. I was telling KW that at least this time we won't be cook. Haha!

[IMAGE: Our table]
Our table
KW, Cindy and me were in the same table. The guests in our table belong to the miscellaneous category. We are all friends who do not have much mutual friends with her, except maybe Cindy. And other than me and Cindy, the rest are all couples...

[IMAGE: Wedding flavor]
Wedding flavor
They have cute bears as the wedding flavor. 1 bear per guest, so some will get a male bear, others will get a female bear. I managed to find the female companion for my bear.

[IMAGE: 1st March In]
1st March In
I've not met Vincent before. I've only seen his picture from Jinmei's MSN picture. But he does not look like this. Boy, much slimmed he has become.

[IMAGE: Cake cutting]
Cake cutting
And on to the stage they goes for cake cutting.

[IMAGE: Dinner]
And dinner begins!

[IMAGE: Champagne pouring]
Champagne pouring
Like all Chinese wedding dinner, after about the 4th dish, is the 2nd march in. Just before the march in, we were treated to a clip about the morning's activity. There are 3 clips in total for this wedding. The 1st clip consists pictures of taken during their wedding photo shoot, and it's show before the dinner starts. The 2nd clip consists of their growing up pictures. It's shown just before the 1st march in. This 3rd clip before the 2nd march in is very very very long. It's the length of 4 songs. I've not taken any nice pictures during the 2nd march in, only the champagne pouring pictures.

[IMAGE: Cross hand nuptial toast]
Cross hand nuptial toast
And the cross hand nuptial toast picture.

[IMAGE: Wedding toast]
Wedding toast
After the cross hand nuptial toast is the wedding toast. I was quite tempted to go join the yam seng party. I want that champagne.

They started making their photo taking rounds quite late. After 10pm. We have prepared a few games for them, but since it's so late, we told them to come back to us when they are finished with the photo taking. After the photo taking, they have to stand outside the ball room door to thank exiting guests. I wonder if they started it late on purpose...

[IMAGE: Rag tag band]
Rag tag band
Our rag tag band of guests were actually quite united. 6 of us actually stayed and wait for the entire guests to leave and play the game with them. Cindy actually prepared a concoction for them. But the waiters and waitresses cleared them away without our knowing. What considerate waiters and waitresses they are.

Luckily the chicken parts were intact. We have a chicken head, chicken breast, chicken wing and a chicken backside. They are put on 4 different plates and covered with a bowl. The bridegroom supposed to randomly pick 1. If he picked the chicken head, he'll kiss the bride on the lips. If he picked the chicken breast, he'll kiss her on the boobschest. If he picked the chicken wing, he'll kiss her armpit. If he picked the chick backside, he'll kiss her ass. And he'll have to keep kissing the respective part until we've finished with our yam seng. So far, I've played this game quite a number of times, and the bridegroom always managed to pick the chicken head.

[IMAGE: Kiss]
Vincent is no exception.

I've drank quite a lot in the wedding. I am no where near drunk, so I was a bit high. I hope I did not behave too boisterous. I sometimes do that when I am high. and I forgot to pass them the Ang Bao after Cindy has passed me the red packet. I'll just have to find some way to pass them the Ang Bao.

Update: According to Bel, who heard it from Cindy, I really am talking quite loudly. And everyone on my table was asking her to be careful with me. Sigh. I know I sometimes tend to talk more loudly when I am high. But I am still very sober. Bel was saying it's not good to let people know you are high; it gives people a bad impression of you. Sigh. Wanna have fun also must consider alotta things. What is it about people that they like to pass judgement on people they barely know. Grr.

Pink Panther

I am supposed to go to Marina Mandarin for a wedding dinner at 7:30pm. So there's time for a movie at 4:30pm, and I went to Marina Square to watch Pink Panther with Samwin.

I shall not hide the spoilers for this movie this time. The entertainment value of this movie is in the comedy antics, and not the story. And I must say, the entertainment for this movie is very high. It's hilarious. I've not laugh so hard throughout the movie in a long time. The brand of comedy reminds me of Stephen Chow, but I think Stephen chow will have a thing or 2 to learn from Steve Martin. I would highly recommend this movie.

Pink Panther is a very valuable diamond ring. It belongs to the France national team coach. He was killed in a game and the ring goes missing. The chief of police decided too appoint a bungling Inspector Clouseau to the case. He wanted someone to bungled up the investigation,, after which he'll step in to wrap up the case. This is to increase his profile so that he can finally win the elusive medal of honour.

And as the standard storyline goes, even though Inspector Clouseau every action is a joke, he still managed to pip the police to solving the case.

Ordinary story line, but great laughs. Definitely worth the $9.50.

[IMAGE: Pink Panther]
Pink Panther

Bananas in Pyjamas

Theirry and I had wanted to get a pair of the pyjamas in Bananas in Pyjamas for the pyjamas party. Too bad we can't find it.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Elaine at Airport

Shadow is taking the 6pm flight to Bangkok today. She's having a late check out at 2pm, which leaves her a couple of hours to do some shopping at Great World City before she goes. She's going to be at Bangkok for the next 6 months for work. After that it's probably another country for another 6 months. Such a nice job it is.

I had worked until 11pm the previous day. Before I leave, I managed to solve all the problems, so I thought it should be ok to take 1/2 day leave to send her off. If needed, I can always come back to the office after that. My boss is agreeable to it. In fact, he told me I won't have to come back. She told me she's leaving at 4pm, so I decided to leave at 3pm. But as Murphy law goes, SM found 2 new bugs just before I wanted to leave the office. I managed to solve 1 bug, but I go no time for the other 1. It should not be too hard, and I expect to solve it. Since the flight is 6pm, which means she'll be in way before that, and I may come back at about 6pm and be finished with it by 7pm.

I do not know which bus to take to her hotel, so I walked there. Walked past Clark Quay along the way and met this old man who asked me how to walk to Hougang. That's of course not possible, so he asked me to give him some money to take a bus. He has $0.50, and he needed $1.30 to take the bus. I had met such cheats before, so I am apprehensive about giving him money. I would be very happy to give $2 to an old man in need, but the cynical me is not willing to give $0.10 to a cheat. In the end I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. $1 is a small enough amount to risk to be cheated if it's to help an old man in need.

I reached her hotel in about 15 minutes and sms her to ask her her room number. If you are not as blur as me, you’ll remember that she checked out at 2pm and went Great World City shopping. So it's more walking for me.

On reaching Great World City, she told me that her luggage is way overweight. I suggested that she should go to the airport early as they tend to be more lenient to early birds. And back to the hotel we go, to collect her luggage.

Elaine and me
The luggage weighed about 33kg. And sure enough, they let her checked it in. We then went to McDonalds for a drink, waste some time, and then it's boarding time. She went through the custom at slightly after 5:30pm and I make my way to the MRT.

It's some distance to walk and there still some waiting time at the station, so I don't know what time I board the train. But I fell asleep when I board it, expecting to wake up somewhere nearer to City Hall. But of course that is not to be. We are supposed to switch train at Tanah Merah! I did not realize about it until about 6:05pm when I woke up. I thought I reached Marina Bay MRT, until I heard "Next stop, Expo". Grr.

When I reached office at 6:45pm, SM told me it's now 3 bugs and not 1 bug. And the bug that I left hanging is more complicated then I expected. In the end it's 10:30pm before I fixed all of them, and I am supposed to meet Bernard and Samwin at 10:30pm at Jurong East.

And the list of cock ups grew. This time, I took the wrong direction. And when I realize, and cross the platform, it's a 6min wait for the next train. I finally met with them at about 11pm. We went to Jurong Country Club for some beer. I realize I had not had dinner, but their kitchen is closed. We left the place at about 1:30am. Bernard dropped me at Jurong East MRT station as I wanted to top up my easy link card before taking the night bus. But there's no money in the bank to top up. Luckily I still had $3 to take the bus, but there goes my dinner.

When I finally reach home, it's past 2:30am. And I forgot to bring my keys. Luckily my sister is still awake.

[IMAGE: Noodles]
I finally get to have my dinner at 3am when I cooked a bowl of instant noodles. I forgot to put in the msgflavouring at first and it tasted quite bland. At least that's the last cock up of the day...

I have a friend who went overseas with her project team for a project. One day, her laptop needed to be left in the office to run some overnight test or something like that. Point is she is left without a laptop in the hotel at night, meaning no internet for her. Her manager has been kind enough to let her use his while he settle some paperwork.

This is what she told me the next morning
I was at his room using his lappy

Sounds so wrong. Haha!

There's not been much progress in the recovery of my left knee for the past 2 days. There's still a slight pain when I straighten it fully or when there's pressure from the side. At least I can walk briskly without feeling anything. There's still some inconveniences when walking down the stairs. Running is still a no no. I guess it can't be rushed.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006




你說你打算過 將一切信任我

你說你於當天 如何面對眾多抉擇

* 過去我愛每日忙 習慣想很遠的渴望
這晚你最後在旁 沒半點感覺的對望
讓你愉快 尋求別個地方
來忘掉我 不用說最終的晚安

# 讓你愉快 凡塵內某地方
能留住你 可讓你心釋放 * #

過去這一張紙 解釋你愛著我
在見證 願永相依的心窩
你與我將簽紙 來塗掉了昨天意義
Repeat * #

There are only so many things that you can write about. Especially Chinese songs. Sad love songs are everywhere. Someone once told me about something that Richard Marx had said. It's something like this:
I'll always sing sentimental ballads, because that’s what the most people liked to hear.

I did not verify that it really came from his mouth, so don't flame me if you are sure it's not from him. Tell me nicely and I'll edit this post. If it's indeed him, It's also probably not his exact words. I did not hear it straight from the horses mouth, and it's being a long time since.

Ok, I digress enough. Sad love songs are, IMHO, easier to write. Easier to write because it's easier to make up sad love misfortunes, at least it's the case for me. And sad songs can touched people more easily. A lot of people will have sad things happened to them in their lives. The correct lyrics at the correct time will identify them to the song, and they'll seek solace in the song.

Back to sad love songs. The more common topic that I see is 1 of letting go someone you love. 成全 is letting go magnanimously. 安静, 心如刀割 and I Do is letting go with a broken heart. There are more, but these 4 left a deeper impression on me. Maybe I'll write about them sometime in the future.

让你愉快 is quite an old song. I am not sure, but I won't be surprised if it's more than 10 years old. So what is this 让你愉快 about?

It's also about letting go. But this is slightly different. The couple in the story were married. The guy had won the girl's heart amid much competition. She had liked him for his energy, drive and ambition. Sadly, it's this energy, drive and ambition that slowly pull them apart. So after being neglected after their marriage, they decided on divorce. The guy is sad that things have to come to this. He regretted not paying more attention to his wife, but the only thing he can do now is to sign on the line and let her get on with her life.

It's a more specific topic, but it paints a vivid picture. Coupled with Jacky Cheung's masterful singing, this song is leaves a deep impression.

Microsoft in an attempt to get more people to use their search engine, is offering US$1m worth of prices when they use the MSN Search.

They are now behind Google and Yahoo. Google is looking aggressive now. It has now conquered a lot of desktops, and Microsoft is trying to catch up on lost ground again. Much like what they did in the browser wars a long long time ago...

I thought the comment at the bottom of the below article is quite interesting. Anti MS guy. :P


This won't be easy, anyone giving it a try?


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I can now walk around without any limp. Walking down stairs still hurt. So is running. The problems in running is due to having to bend the knees more, and not due to the impact.

This knee problem caused me to miss the badminton session today. Hopefully it can recover in time for the next session.

It has been quite difficult walking in the morning. I especially hate going down stairs. More than I hate going up stairs. Apparently, going down stairs requires the knee to be bent more, and the pain is when movement of the knee joints.

As the way pass by, the pain starts getting less. In fact, it became ok enough that I walked from City Hall to Marina Square for dinner. And after that I walked to Boat Quay, then Clark Quay, then Orchard Road before finally taking a bus home.

The pain is still there, but it's light enough that I sometimes do not notice it's there. So, no need to see the doctor yet.

I heard from Sharon this morning that her left hand still hurts. Her left shoulder as well. I wonder if her hand gets better like me.

Monday, February 20, 2006

My right knee has always been giving me slight pain from time to time. And I had a big cut on it the last month playing court soccer.

Left knee
This time, I injure my left knee while roller-blading. There's a pain during movement in the knee and it feels uncomfortable. And I took a look at it just now, there's a swell at the knee cap. I hope it's not too serious. I'll give it 1 day to get better before going to the doctor...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

I went for the regular Sunday morning soccer session this morning. I have not played for a long long time. I can't remember when is the last time I played with them. My play is pretty bad, all shots gone hay wiring. Furthermore, I sort of aggravate my knee problem a bit, but I still feel ok enough.

I am meeting the guys for another Inline-skating session in East Coast Park. The game finished early and if I go straight to East Coast from there, so I went home to take a bath before meeting with Sharon and go together.

Today's skating session is quite fun. I feel I am starting to get used to the skates. But there's 1 incident where I had a fall. I think it's due to bad balancing. Anyway, my left leg strike the ground at a bad angle. Now both my legs pain me when I walk. Grr.

After the skate session, we went to Burlinton Square to have our dinner. It's quite nice. After dinner, we went home.

I just read about a wish for a 轰 轰 烈 烈 的恋爱. I would think most of us would wish that, due to all the romantic movies and TV series we've seen. Maybe I am just being picky on the words, but 轰 轰 烈 烈 gave me an impression that it's for a short strong burst. I would like those 一起变老 kind of romance.

In that same blog that I read, there's a mention of 1 half of a couple being terminally ill. This brings to mind an incident a couple of years back that I read from the newspaper. A man got married to his long time girlfriend even though she had only 3 months left to live. Some people will say that it's no point, or that the girl should not do this to her lover, etc. I don't know what went through in the minds of those 2 persons, but I'll imagine the best scenario I can think of.

The thing that the guy wanted most in his life is to be married to his lover, and be able to give her love till the day that either or both of them died. 就算只剩一天,也要好好活. Even if only 1 day is left, he would want to be with her, to give her happiness.

The girl knew that she is dying. She do not want her lover to bear the burden of being a widow when 3 months is all she can give him. But she knows that he would not want to have it any other way. She can't give him a lifetime of happiness, do she want to deny him that 3 months as well? She is not being selfish. She just wanted to use what she has left to love her lover.

This will be the 轰 轰 烈 烈 的爱情. So sad, so 无奈 and yet so beautiful. I prefer to 一起变老, but if I am put into such circumstances, then I think I'll make similar decisions.

Giving is the essence of all relationship, not only love. The same could be said about employer/employee, parent/son, friends, etc. Whatever I do, I will put you ahead of myself, and you'll do likewise. This way, there's balance, and maximum benefits can be obtained for each other. Sounds so logical and unromantic, but if everyone do what I said, then this world will become that bit more romantic.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

It's now half time in this FA Cup game against leading 1-0. :)

Update: Final score is also 1-0 to Liverpool! :)

Shadow is changing hotel. She was at Amara Hotel, and she's moving to Grand Copthorne. Or is it called Copthorne Waterfront? It's the Copthorne hotel next to Zouk.

She's checking out from Amara at 12pm, so I should be there slightly before 12 to help her carry her luggage. I was up pretty early, and I have for a solution to a work problem, so I decided to head down to office to solve the problem first. I planned to stop work at 11:30am and walked to Amara. I like walking. I did not managed to solve it in time, but I left at 11:30am anyway.

The noon sun was pretty hot and I worked up some sweat by the time I reached Amara. The walk also took longer than I thought and I reached there right at 12pm. I did not even get to see her room as she's already at the lift lobby of her floor when I stepped out of the lift.

I waited for her to check out at the hotel lobby and then wait for her to go back office to print some document and we went to take a cab to Copthorne. I made use of the porter to hail a cab and to move her heavy luggage into the cab, but did not give him any tips. Me is so bad. Me supposed to be the one carrying...

[IMAGE: View from Grand Copthorne]
View from Grand Copthorne
On reaching Copthorne, again, it's the porter who removed the luggage from the taxi and carry them to her room. I saw Shadow tipping the porter. :P

After that we went Great World City for lunch, then some shopping, then coffee at Spinelli's, then back. She went back hotel, I walked back to office to finish solving the problem.

While solving the problem, I tried looking for kaki to go watch the Liverpool vs. Manure game. I arranged to meet the friend at 7:30 pm at Mohd Sultan. I did manage to solve it the problem before leaving. But it created another problem which I did not managed to do anything about it. I had the Bak Kut Teh at the coffee shop near the bus stop. It's the best I've tasted of them so far though my friend said that it was not as good as before. Either a long time ago, they are very good, or I had been getting the lousy cooks every time...

Just as I was about to leave office, Shadow called me at 7pm to ask me for directions to the place she's meeting her friends for dinner. She also invited me to join her and her friends. Too bad I had just arranged to meet a friend and can't join them.

We watched the game at The Chamber in Robertson Walk.

After the game, my friend wanted to go look for another friend at Orchard Road. I decided not to join them. Shadow is having a drink with her friends in Clark Quay. Since it's nearby, I decided to pop down to take a look.

[IMAGE: Dick-like structure]
Dick-like structure
This stupid dick-like structure is what I see when I reached Clark Quay. I knew they were building shelters for the used-to-be-open walkways, but this design is downright stupid I think. Dick as the pillar, my goodness.

Anyway, Shadow and her friends is just leaving, so I did not join them. Instead I head straight for the office to try solving the problem by this night. I left the office at 12:20am to catch the last bug. The problem should be fixed now.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Calling all friends, please do your appraisal for me. :)

What's good - Johari Test
What's bad - Nohari Test

If you have done the appraisal, and want to know what others wrote,
What's good - Johari Test
What's bad - Nohari Test

After having reached the 5000 unique visitors recently. I've now gotten 10,000 page loads. That means there are 10,000 clicks on my blog, both the main page and it's articles. I don't really find this statistic meaningful because if somebody refresh the page or click on a lot of articles links, then the number goes up very fast. I prefer to look at the unique visitors count. This is a more accurate estimation of the number of people coming to visit. But waiting for 10,000 unique visitors may take too long, so this will have to do in the meanwhile. :P It's only 5,500 unique visitors now...

Thursday, February 16, 2006


NO, don't worry, Pitstop is running strongly, though they would love it if you can visit them more often.

Sharon has arranged dinner with Shadow and Dhanny this evening. We went to Pitstop Cafe again.

[IMAGE: Sorry!]
We had our dinner there, after which we played our first game, Sorry. This time, I am the champion. The set of Sorry! they had is brand new. Nobody has played it since they bought it.

[IMAGE: Swap!]
This is a card game similar to Uno. Sharon is the winner for this game.

[IMAGE: Pitstop Staff]
Pitstop Staff
This is Timothy of Pitstop. He once tried to impersonate me.

[IMAGE: Dhanny]
This is Dhanny's first visit to Pitstop.

[IMAGE: Jenga]
After Swap!, we played 2 games of Jenga. I lost the first game, Shadow lost the second. You realize the games we played tonight are all non-strategy game. Less taxing on the brain. :P

[IMAGE: Valentine's balloon]
Valentine's balloon
It's Valentine's day 2 days back, and we've had their Valentine's day special, which is $10 for a triple scoop sundae and free flow of drinks and 2 hours of gaming, and the girls get a heart shaped balloon.

[IMAGE: Presents]
Shadow bought us presents from USA.

[IMAGE: Frogs]
Thierry's Frog
Dhanny's Frog
My Frog
Noticed that 1 frog is special?

[IMAGE: Sharon, Thierry and me]
Sharon, Thierry and me
Picture of Sharon, Thierry and me, as usual.